Twister RotoScan H250, D250, D300

Scanner works in DMX protocol. By using the 8 channel control you can run colour change, rotational and static position of the gobo images, rotation (its direction and speed), podkladové gobo, zoom, dimmer, special effects, strobe, beam positioning etc. Individual functions are controlled by a serial line running standard protocol DMX 512 (1990) - 4 us. This mean that this device can be controlled by whatever device that runs a serial line signal in protocol DMX 512. The connection is made by shadow double line fitted with a stereo 6,35 jack (1/4”) connector or an XLR connector.

Twister RotoScan Dichroic colours: 8x
Static gobo: 4x
Rotation gobo: 4x
Demo program: yes
Strobe effect: yes
Frost effect: yes
Rainbow effect: yes
Dimmer effect: yes
Prism: 3,4,5
Number of channels: 8
Focus: yes
DIP switch: yes
Lightning source: 24V/250W, HSD250, HMD300
Lifetime of light. source: 300h, 2000h, 3000h
Socket: GY 6,35, GY 9,5, SFc10-4
Power supply: 230/50Hz
Power input: 320W, 500W, 500W
Weight: 17kg, 21kg, 21kg
Dimensions [mm]: 340x660x220
Krokové motory
Orientation price:
H250 cena: 526,05 €

D250 cena: 578,68 €
D300 cena: 892,50 €
please contact us for actual price
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